24/7 Call Answering Service Excellence

Our Award-Winning After-Hours Answering Service Features:

  • Recognized as a Top Ten Company in the Call Center Industry
  • Customized Scripting
  • Secure Messaging
  • Online Account Access
  • 24×7 Support
  • Multilingual Operators
  • Competitive Rates

A Live 24/7 Answering Service with Clear Advantages Over AI

With modern technologies some companies have opted to use artificial intelligence for customer service and call center functions. But when they do, they lose a golden opportunity to connect with customers. Anserve employers only 24/7 live answering service agents, because from a quality assurance standpoint, this results in superior caller outcomes. As live human agents, Anserve’s live agents are able to:

✅Make a connection with the caller
✅Make a good first impression
✅Avoid a cold impersonal feeling to the call
✅Reliably communicate with callers

Most importantly, Anserve’s 24/7 live answering service agents truly listen to callers, and “pivot” to turn the caller’s frustration into a resolution and ultimately a positive outcome.

Calls Answered Per Day
Hospital Networks in NJ Alone
of People Do Not Leave Voicemails


Industries Served

after hours

How Anserve’s After Hours Answering Services Can Help Your Business

For someone running a small business, managing the business and keeping the clients happy is like a mountain that has to be climbed every day. The day begins before everyone else, putting in extra hours to plan for the day. In addition, there is the task of answering customers’ phone calls and meeting their needs. When the hard work starts paying off, the business grows as the number of customers grows. With growth comes responsibility and that means putting in additional hours. But that can lead to your lack of availability to some customers. You may miss calls or mismanage your schedule due to human error, which is understandable for someone working so many hours.

In a scenario like that, Anserve can give you a helping hand with an after hours answering service. Our professional agents can handle your calls and manage your appointments with ease. Anserve makes sure that the clients will never experience a missed call or a missed appointment. Our agents are there to remind you of your schedules through calls, email, or any way you prefer to be notified. We work 24/7 so that you can be more productive during your working hours, and sleep stress-free while our agents take care of after-hours phone calls.

Why Choose Anserve’s 24/7 Call Answering Service

Teamwork: Our agents work as a team to provide the best after-hours answering service for your business. Because most customers terminate the call as soon as they hear a voicemail tone, having a live agent answer your call who is familiar with your business is a huge advantage.

Leading-Edge Technology: Situations like power outages are no match for Anserve when it comes to answering phone calls because they’ve got the right equipment to keep them online even during big storms.

Experience: All agents are well-trained professionals who assist clients and promote customer loyalty. Our phone answering service is emulated by many different types of businesses.

Proficiency: Our agents not only work to retain your existing clients, but to help you gain more clients by presenting your business in the best light to all callers.


Backup Power & Data Protection Facility

Our 12,000 square foot building is powered by local utilities and our very own solar panel system spanning 6,000 sq ft. When choosing to support our facilities with environmentally friendly options, Anserve evaluated the growth of its business and the 24×7 needs of its clientele. Should there be an interruption in local utilities, Anserve instantly switches to an alternate on-site, limitless, source of natural gas. A seamless transition allows business continuity and client satisfaction.

Data breach scenarios continue to plague the business landscape. Back in 2006, an average breach was estimated to cost $3.54M to an organization. Today, that same breach would cost $7.35M.

Anserve continues to insulate its’ business and clientele from these threats as seen in (i) the capabilities to send encrypted messaging and (ii) a partnership with a colocation. – A temperature-controlled environment with aux power, supercharged bandwidth, and physical security to ensure proper operation of sensitive data.


Multilingual, Bilingual, Spanish-Speaking – All-in-One Complete 24/7 Call Answering Service

Don’t take it for granted. Not every company has prepared for diversity here in America.

Anserve’s reliable 24/7 call answering services reach a myriad of demographics and industries. In order to properly customize the experience and satisfy your base, make sure you’re….speaking the right language!

Each 24/7 call answering service plan available at Anserve will automatically have access to English and Spanish-speaking agents. With your approval, we can have our agents prepared to turn on translation services and be equipped to handle over 200 language options.

Your Business Needs Our Nationwide Award-Winning Support

ATSI AoE Top Ten 2024

Causes We Support