What does the Government COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Entail?
The vaccine mandate, implemented by President Biden’s administration in early November 2021, seeks to encourage a variety of businesses to have their employees vaccinated to avoid leaving companies short-staffed and spread thin by illness. Earlier this year, the Biden Administration created a mandate for all federal government employees to receive their vaccines or risk losing their jobs or being subject to frequent testing. This new vaccine mandate requires both healthcare facilities and businesses with 100 employees or more receive their vaccines as well. By January 4, ,2022, the administration hopes that employers that have at least 100 employees will be fully vaccinated or undertake Covid-19 testing for their employees on a weekly basis. The same is true for any medical centers that participate in either Medicare or Medicaid. Due to a recent lawsuit, however, the vaccine mandate is halted until proper legal inspection has occurred.
Many Businesses Fear that Staffing will be an issue if Large Numbers of Employees Resign Because of the Mandate.
Although the number of vaccinated workers has steadily increased in the U.S. since President Biden took office (about 70% of American adults according to the White House), there are still large numbers of individuals that have not received the shot. In addition, polling of many businesses and their employees have indicated that roughly 50% of workers would quit their jobs if their employee mandated the vaccine. This has many employers nervous about requiring their employees to receive the vaccine, fearing that such a mandate would leave them short-staffed. With many businesses having difficulty finding staff to fill their labor gaps, employers are hesitant to require their remaining employees to receive the vaccine due to fears of alienating their labor force.
Do Labor Shortages Already Exist in Certain Industries?
There are many industries facing labor shortages. For example, the food service and retail industries have found themselves hard-hit and short-staffed. Because many of these industries offer only minimum wage and little benefits, many workers have been unable to pay increasing rent and cost of living prices and choose to instead find other work or rely on unemployment benefits. While corporate environments have typically been enforcing vaccine mandates, blue collar workers have seen little to no emphasis on these mandates, and may also be choosing to leave these jobs due to limited protections for them if they do catch COVID-19.
Missed Calls Hurt your Business, No Matter the Size.
Calls from new clients keep your business growing, regardless of whether you are a small business or a large company, a service provider or a corporate office. Every time you miss a call from a new client or a returning customer, that opens the door for a rival business to swoop in and steal a potential sale. In today’s age of 24/7 access to information, customers will have an easy time finding your business and reaching out, but they will quickly find another business if they do not get a hold of you in a short order. Being short-staffed is no excuse.
Answering Services Can Handle Overflow Calls and Act as a Virtual Receptionist for your Business.
The answering services at Anserve offer the perfect solution for businesses suffering from being short-staffed because of the vaccine mandate or otherwise. Regardless of your industry, Anserve offers 24/7 phone answering services that are available to communicate with potential and returning customers, regardless of the hour or day of the week. With over 100 trained staff that are fluent in many different languages, Anserve answering services can assist with handling an overflow of incoming calls for your business. In addition, Anserve works with you and your business to understand the fine points of your industry and use detailed scripts to ensure that we comply with your company standards.
Contact Anserve to Bridge the Gap if your Business is Suddenly Short-Staffed
If you find that your business is short-staffed due to the government vaccine mandate, or has just had difficulty finding employees due to labor shortages, contact Anserve to find out how we can suitably fill those gaps to keep your business running smoothly. By working with a 24/7 answering service to handle your incoming and outgoing calls, it frees you and your remaining employees up to focus on handling the day-to-day operations of the business and ensuring that you keep your customers satisfied.
How Answering Services Like Anserve Can Support your Business?
There are a multitude of ways that answering services like Anserve can help your business when you are short-staffed, no matter the reason. One example are our live agents. Rather than redirecting your customers calls to a voicemail or automated phone responses, which many customers refuse to use, Anserve offers live agents that speak multiple languages and are dedicated to assisting your clients. Additionally, our answering service call centers are open 24/7, meaning that no matter the time or place, your clients will be able to get a hold of a human that can assist them with their requests. For companies that simply have an excess of calls that cannot be handled by their own employees, Anserve excels in handling overflow calls so that you can be sure that none of your potential customers are missed. Call Anserve to learn more today!